Sunday, October 28, 2007
enjoyed myself tremendously today.. it was fun shopping with yq, xy and yl.. very nice.. =)
bought a two-piece top, black skinny and black heels.. hahas..
school tml.. sianss.. SP's got E-learning week.. how come NP don't have??
Saturday, October 27, 2007
there's nth meaningful to blog recently.. so i've decided if there's nth happening on the day, then i won't blog le..
tml.. i'm going SHOPPING with xy and yq.. super shiok and excited.. =) i wanna buy stuff and stuff.. will post abt what i've bought... =)
and and, there's tuition today.. very tired.. ended 10mins before time.. x|
my tummy is so big agn.. i have been doing 50sit-ups, 150legs-up and 50skippings every night.. but still, it doesn't help... what the hell la.. =(
and you!!! =S
Thursday, October 25, 2007
aerobics is fun.. =)
i have sth to tell you..
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
your words really really caused so much more jealousy than anger!!
it's definitely seldom i hear you complimenting someone.. especially their looks.. what's more to tell me you attend school every day of that week jux to see her.. it's so disheartening can.. etym i ask to meet, you jux grumble and said sianss.. but you seem so eager when it's the other case.. my heart fell when you said that..
it's jux so terrible when you left without another word..
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
today had been a very rush day..
took a cab to school this morning.. for fear i'll be late for a lecture that never waits for students and attendance will be definitely zero after 5mins.. then i have school till 4pm.. then rush for tuition at 5pm.. but still, i'm late.. so i ended late too.. finished at 7pm and went for dinner.. alone lorx... so poor thing la.. hahas.. then after dinner tuition for another kiddo till 9.20pm.. then walked home.. that's the only exercise i have in the week so far... aerobics starts this thurs.. really looking forward!! =)
tml will be a betta day.. won't be having anymore tuition until saturday.. yeah!!
wo aii ni la..
Monday, October 22, 2007
HAPPY B'DAE SHIN MIIN!!!! today's my gal's b'dae.. hahas.. i'm happy..
so tired for school today.. from 9 to 5.. totally lethargic after school and i have to rush for tuition.. and i was hungry, thus my mood wasn't really good and i was quite easily fed up with the kiddos... well.. i've tried my best to control and i'm sorriees for not being in top conditions.. but thank goodness school starts at 12 tml.. anyway, have tuition same thing till 9pm.. but it's nearer to my house and i can simply walk home.. i'm lacking exercises and i ate a lot recently.. and supper.. i eat more for supper than i eat for other meals.. it's like.. opposite of what i should be doing la.. omg..
stay calm alright.. =)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
sianss sianss sianss... school tml... omg..
hahas.. i like online shopping.. it's nice la.. hahas.. much much betta than window shopping.. online shopping won't get tired too easily.. except my eyes.. hahas..
fun fun.. nice..
you you you you you!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
tuition with a new gal today.. goodness.. i can't communicate with her... that's one thing.. secondly, her attitude is terrible and her confidence for english is zero... i really have to start from the very beginning for her.. what am i going to do sia.. but i have bought 6 assessment books for her.. hopefully, it will help!!! i won't give up on her.. yesh, i won't.. =)
mummy wanns to make pineapple tart tml... hahas.. hopefully sth nice will be made.. and i'm gonna have tuition tml at jurong spring mac.. hahas.. should be fun de la.. =)
have drawn today.. it's alright la.. but i think it's quite hard to get really accurate measurements.. will try harder next time.. but i have completed 2 designs without much problems bax.. so dear, you should jia you okiee.. =)
Friday, October 19, 2007
wanted to pon practical soooo much.. but in the end i went la.. with conditions though.. hahas.. and that is for him to come NP for me after practical.. =) i'm so smart la.. hahas.. practical finished in an hour instead of 2... met dear at 3.15pm.. then we took 52 to je interchange.. then change 79 to his house.. a while later he changed and off we went.. he go for soccer and i go for tuition but he did send me to the house la and we met the kiddos daddy... hahas.. tuition is nice today.. i jux like teaching the kiddos tgt... and their mum wanns them to continue tuition after exams which they dread like hell.. but it still muz continue... hahas.. gonna be teaching them english and maths after exams.. tuition is a thing.. my school work is another thing.. i cnt afford to allow tuition to affect my school work.. so i have to plan my time and manage really well..
jia you la!! =)
d e a r.. 6 8 2 2 5 7..
Thursday, October 18, 2007
YEA!!! 2hrs of lecture has been cancelled for tml.. shiok but it's in the middle of the lessons.. which means i'll be having 3hrs break.. for what sia.. hahas.. from 11 to 1pm.. if only i can bring the practical forward.. then i'll be dismissed at 1pm.. but it's not possible de la.. NP lecturers wouldn't bring trouble for themselves de lorx.. =S
today is IS modules days.. ended at 11.45am.. home straight.. supposed to meet him for lunch, but he couldn't not go to school for there's assignments to hand in... so well, had to skip the lunch.. it's okiee la.. i won't get angry over things which i shouldn't.. if not, that's unreasonable right? =)
tuition later.. alright.. it's gonna be fun later okiee.. =)
i like teaching that boy.. he's jux so fun.. but those 3 kiddos are climbing over my head soon.. the betta you know them, the louder they talk and the more they grumble with the amount of work you give.. talk-back.. honestly, i don't think i have ever done that to my tuition teacher in the past lorx.. omg.. hahas..
alright alright.. gonna go eat sth and prepare for tuition.. it's like hol today.. posting in the noon.. i like that feeling.. =)
i really miss you a lot.. yesh, we did meet ytd.. but... it's not enough, never enough.. =(
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
only have school for 4hrs today.. but with a break in between... sianss.. waste time la.. ask the teacher to push forward the lessons aso cnt.. shitss him..
but after that meet dear.. =)
went to jp.. then after grabbing a bite, went to wait for bus to je.. waited for quite a long and he's very pissed off... rmb what you asked me today, idiot? my answer is, yes.. hahas..
anyway, celebrated sm's b'dae today.. it's still early... but sm cnt make it on the actual day.. so well... hahas.. anyway, it's nice and i've enjoyed myself a lot today.. went to imm's ajisan to find sm, shir, hy, xy and yl.. then after a while, we left and went for a walk.. after which, we went to entertainment centre for pool.. sm and i din play la.. we crapped all the way.. hahas.. the most funny thing that happened was the black ball!!! hahas.. fun fun fun... and then, we went out to sing sm a b'dae song... =)
dunno when we'll be meeting agn after today.. same goes to meeting up with him..
hmmm... time is not the factor that starts a problem, but time can become the long-term problem.. =|
i wouldn't wann time to cause any unnecessary problems!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
sianss... i still dread.. going to school!!! =|
i am so happy out of a sudden.. eth is like sorted out by itself.. hmm.. strange but very good la.. at least won't get moody or irritated easily le..
i have decided to give up the diploma plus.. one thing coz i din get selected for what i wann... the other coz i have no interest with what i've been selected for.. so i think there's no need to waste time and effort on it.. aso to mention, if i don't get into uni via poly, then diploma plus won't come to use.. and i won't know what lays out for the next 4 more sems... and this sem has only started for a day.. but i did know what i wann after the 3yrs.. so well... it's a waste somehow to skip the diploma plus, but i still think it's betta to do that, i wouldn't wann to regret only after i took it and cannot cope with the other modules..
hahas.. see, i am really 豁然开朗 le.. hahas.. i am so optimistic once agn.. there's no way to run away from school now.. for it's a fact that school's started on the 15th oct'07.. so why not face it, know it, challenge it and love it.. hahas.. yan qiu says she wanns to convince me to like engineering drawing.. hahas... i'll try to love it okiee?? hahas.. but not so soon la.. things need time to change..
misses idiot!
Monday, October 15, 2007
today is the first day of school.. and jux a word to describe today.. sianss... but but, i have a common module with him.. hahas.. engineering drawing which i really dislike the moment i heard drawing, but i realised it was alright after knowing he had it too.. hahas.. went to blk456 for dinner with sb and hd jux now.. and tuition after that... wow wow.. it sure is tiring... but school will start tml at 12noon... goodness... i am really lethargic after today.. x|
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Your PMS Disaster Level: High |
 You are definitely a PMS disaster! At least you're only scary a few days of the month. |
You Are 36% Spoiled |
 You're barely spoiled. You may have some nice things, but you never let them go to your head. You appreciate each gift you're given - and you don't dwell on what you "deserve" to have. |
He's Absolutely Committed to You! |
 Your guy is committed to you, as if you were already married And hopefully, you show the same commitment to him While you may have had your ups and downs, you've smoothed things out If the two of you aren't serious, you will be soon So start secretly planning your wedding It may happen sooner than you think! |
How You Are In Love |
 You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.
In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish.
You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
You Mostly Have Your Emotions in Check |
 Sometimes your emotions get out of control, but you usually are a pretty stable person. You can find a lot to be happy about, as long as things are going your way. But if a few bad things happen to you, you tend to go in a bit of a downward spiral. Luckily, you usually come out of it okay and no worse for the wear. |
i'm so bored today.. and school is gonna start tml!!!!!! shitss.. from 9 to 5.. on the very first day?!?! chao sianss la.. hell's starting.. it's jux like a war, will end only 8weeks later... tuition will still continue for 2 more weeks.. and will start with new ones after that..
mum cooked curry chicken as promised.. nice with the bread.. that's lunch and dinner okiee... great... went supermarket jux now to buy some biscuits.. for school la..
there's a lot in me which i dunno what it is... it's all mixed up and it's making me feel so pessimistic.. all coped up.. without really knowing what really caused all of it...
and and.. i know i know, i have been very GL and irritated these few days... i really really din mean to.. but can you give me some time to sort it out? i din mean to stop you from doing ath that you like.. will stop all the nagging too.. i'm sorriees.. i'm sorriees for making you moody too..
Saturday, October 13, 2007
school is really starting.. after tml...
mum's going to cook curry chicken tml... yea..
diploma plus... how? what am i supposed to do at this point in time? wait?? not gonna give myself any stress yet.. gonna take it easy.. and and, yan qiu and i will be forming a study group on every sat, 10am!! =) join us if you can make it alright!! hahas..
dear, dear.. dear... i need you more than anything now.. really!!
HAPPY B'DAE YAN QIU!!was so tired after reaching home ytd... after tuition i went for SUPPER with dad and mum.. and aso, bro.. who i have not talk to for more than 2days... went out early in the morning to meet SM, YL and YQ for prata.. HY came too.. but she went off without eating coz she's got school.. met the rest later at 5pm... imm's swensens's not very nice huh.. hahas... then after that, rushed off for tuition in cab..
HAPPY B'DAE WENDY!!worked early in the morning at 7am.. was late.. for 5mins.. hahas.. so i punched off 8mins later.. anyway, work today is alright.. it's always like that.. i always feel nice working with eric.. i really regretted giving schedule after work on tuesday with henry as the DM... but after today, i felt alright.. but not gonna give schedule to work in cartel anymore... tuition will be enough..
sorriees.. have been rather GL these days... made you really fed up with me huh.. sorriees sorriees.. bear with me, a few more days to go...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
in another 4more days, school will start.. dreading for school to start, but if i think in another way, the earlier i start, the faster i will end the sem.. well, things will sure look betta that way...
life's going to be busy.. on the rocky side agn.. i muz work my way out of it... i muz do well for the coming sem... i muz i muz..
and and, thanks dear.. =)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
woken up early... baked some biscuits.. chocolate ones.. don't really like it.. feels that sth is lacking.. hmm, went to sakura for lunch with aunt jux now.. goodness, i jux love the marble cake.. marble cake is made from butter and chocolate.. you can add cheese to make it marble cheesecake.. which will taste perfect as well.. it's so fattening but it's jux too great!! =)
well, there are jux some things which cannot be mention but kept.. now i finally know why some ppl tend to keep things to themselves... one, maybe you really would wann to share, but you dunno to who.. for you're afraid that person whom you're sharing with jux can't feel exactly the way you feel... two, you are afraid to share.. for it seems bad and terrible.. these 2 reasons are enough for you to keep things to yourself.. the more you keep, the more likely you will burst one day.. for you have to act as if nth has happen and keep putting on that smile which you din wann to etym... it's hard to be a human being.. the complicated-ness of living makes ppl out of breathe..
i wann to be a dandelion.. it represents faithfulness and happiness.. it's nice being flowers and allowing myself to be given to the loved one of the other one.. to let the other one feel glad and secured..
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
nth much happen today.. work was smooth but knocked off before time.. well, i jux realised this sat is hari raya.. and i got work.. good for the pay is more, bad for there's bound to be a lot of ppl.. =S
anyway, i am gonna bake tml!! =)
Monday, October 8, 2007
[|] i hope YAN QIU can love the sambal chilli that goes well with all food.
[|] i hope YAN LING and SHIN MIIN can work less but earn more money.
[|] i hope for LINDA to get good results for her promos.
[|] i hope XIN YI can be away from all sorrows.
[|] i hope for HUIYING to have more time to live her dream.
[|] i hope for SHIRLEY .. not sure yet.. to have what she wanns? =)
it's betta as a post? hahas.. anyway, shir mentioned she's got eth.. well, true or false? xS
tuition jux now.. it was hilarious.. and full of goodness.. what dampen my mood most is work!! tml at cartel.. i AM not looking forward to it at all.. shitss!! i am going to be so busy tml.. tuition at 9.30am, then work from 12 to 4pm.. after which, i have to look after sicked ee herng at night till 8plus 9pm? well well...
i miss you so so much!! it's been how many days, give it a thought and you'll know.. =S
misses, misses and misses.. it's good to miss but time passes real slowly.. too slow in fact.. and then, you'll start letting yourself think negatively... was silly in the past, wasn't i? but somehow, i'm glad we took that path.. if not, i wouldn't have realised how much i will treasure you now huh.. thank you for holding on and not giving up... i am loving you, now and forever and ever..
time is not the factor that will limit the relationship.. we should learn from the money plant.. growing and clinging on to each other despite conditions.. =)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
i am thinking of keeping my hair long.. how does it sounds? hmm.. hahas...
anyway, i've confirmed my ambition ytd night... i wann to be a
baker.. don't need to be the best.. jux known locally jiu can le.. =)
but i will have to finish poly first, get into uni if i can.. if cnt, then i'll go out to work.. after a few yrs, i'll get married and start my bakery job... my life's all layout.. hopefully it will turn out the way i wann it to.. hahas... very excited...
i think ppl with ambition, whether it will turn out to be the one in future anot, will tend to be able to do better than ppl who live life aimlessly.. agree??
jia you jia you!!!
i miss sb... =|
Saturday, October 6, 2007
i jux miss him soooo sooooo much.. and it's making me feel so emo agn... why am i so.. ?
yea yea.. the new tv came today.. as well as the new water heater, ceiling fan and the dvd player..
cooked my lunch today.. i din know i can cook so well.. hahas... even mum, who will usually nag when i use her kitchen, din mention ath.. =)
hmm... it's so fast.. school will start a week later... maybe it won't be too bad for school to start? well... still, i'm not looking forward..
i wann to:
- go east coast park, suntan.. sunburn...
- go blk 456 for fried rice, sotong..
- help the kiddos get good english grades..
- have more time with sb..
- have gatherings with P.R.B where all 8 can turn up..
- LOSE weight!!!!!
- school time to finish soooooon!!!
- make biscuits, muffins and cakes...
i wann, and i muz.. do eth i wann to.. and at the same time, be able to cope with school work... hmmm...
Friday, October 5, 2007
hmm, went jogging this morning... at the stadium this time... but it seems that the fats still wouldn't go away.. =(
well, gonna make some biscuits later... as well as cook lunch.. make it a healthy one.. sb's coming over later? well, not sure yet.. =)
hmm.. suddenly, i'm craving for blk 456's fried rice and sotong... will go there before school re-opens... other than that, i will like to go to the beach too... =)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
went bbq ytd... alright bax.. but the bbq only started at 9pm... and we played arcade a while before that and went back to cartel to get the food... went to sb's house in the morning.. and we went to bp's cartel to visit dom in the afternoon... dom kept asking sb to take care of me, but bully me at the same time..but i think i'm the one bullying him bax... and i din keep my promise... i spent too much etym, really have to learn to be thrifty... sorriees dear.. well, dom's jux such a father.. gonna invite him to my wedding in future.. =) went jurong east lib thereafter... sb read soccer magazine while i borrowed a book.. and we went for pool.. played only 2games and i lost both games.. =S anyway, met hy after that and off to chevrons.. the chalet rooms are real nice.. and it's quite cheap... gonna booked the chalet there next time.. nearer and facilities are nice.. the only pity is there's no beach nearby... but there's a swimming pool.. =)
went jogging this morning... nice sweatings.. makes me more awake.. gonna plan some schedules and there's tuition later...
hmm, jux a few more blinks and school will start.. aaarrggh.. i dunno what to do... up till today, i still haven get a fixed time table.. the time keeps changing... but, the time to start and end school only got later each time.. which means to say, it's really more and more different from his.. i muz meet up with you.. even once or twice a week is suffice..
trying to grab all chances available... although i cannot make the time last, i can treasure when we meet.. and i'll do that okiee! =)
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
change the playlist song... named i wanna be with you... the song is old... quite old... it's already 5-years-old... but i think it's nice... and the lyrics' great... so i wanna share with you...
hahas... went to imm today... bought stuff which i need and don't need... it's difficult to earn money, but it's even more difficult to save... so well.. have to learn to be thrifty!! to help him as well as dad and mum to save up... hahas...
now now, no more tv after 10pm until bro's o'lvl is over... and i have to sit with him once or twice a week to help him with his work... reason simply be'coz his prelim results sux... he's still slping... anyone any idea to make him wake up? styms i jux wanna give him a tight slap... but styms after quarrelling with him, i jux felt so bad... hmm... what to do, what to do...
sorriees dear... i wasn't angry with you ytd night.. i was jux pissed with them... so pissed off... i should have told you... but i din know how to.. coz it's so... well... sorriees... i will stop my nonsense soon...
Monday, October 1, 2007
happy kiddos day! miss those days? hmm... i juz missed those little gifts teachers will give and the party... well... =)
tuition, tuition and tuition... lesser fun giving tuition now... coz kiddos' exams are coming.. hence, the responsibilties became heavier... will i still be working in cartel? even even even lesser now...
everybody has got so many responsibilities to shoulder... the older you are, the more you have to carry... to be able to do a good job, there's a need to find ways to manage time.. and i do that by planning time tables.. i love making time tables... it's just that i have problems styms to follow them... so well...
work hard everybody... for sweet will come after the bitterness... =P