Friday, February 29, 2008
today was supposed to be a special day, wasn't it?
once in 4years and i had to go through that?
i had a wonderful time before tuition. wanted to go back to school in the morning but i din have all the documents yet. instead, i watched fools gold with dear. the show was marvelous. thrilling. although boring in little parts with all the talking la.
met up with prb afterwards. went to Botak Jones. the food was delicious la. hahas. thanks to yl's recommendation. nice one! too bad yq, linda and sm weren't there. pool after the meal. alright.
the urge for pool is there once again. xD.
and then, tuition! aaarrrghhhhhh. it's shitty lorx. for a few times already, i had to be stuck between the kids and their mum. it's like, their mum is always complaining that the kids are not doing this, not doing that. on the other hand, the kids won't do the work.
procrastinate. talking. procrastinate. talking. procrastinate. talking. today was the most horrible. everything came together. i was supposed to have tuition with the girl. i already had have a hard time to get the girl to do her compo coz she showed me attitude and ignored anything i told her, then her mum came to complain about the kids' school. then then, that boy came to complain about his mum asking him to do his work, asking him to do loads of filing, bad-mouthing his mum.
what is that?
what am i supposed to do?
i don't side anyone. but now, just because i get paid every month, i got to please the queen, the prince and princess?
come on. i'm just a part-time tuition teacher.
tuition is not about earning easy-money la.
it's about commitment. hard-work and effort.
it's about to step over the limit.
i have been tolerating these nonsense for quite a while.
kids these days really
i'm gonna quit, real soon.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
what we've been through these few days are more than enough to prove that we're meant for each other.but. . .
hmmm mmm.
i think we need something more to prove it.
hohoho. :D
i wanna watch movies la.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
it's bro's birthday today. =)
hope he will study harder this year.
hmmmm. . .
Happy B'dae to bro. heard from yijie about things that had happened in the chalet.
it was kind of ridiculous.
i thought. i thought. i thought.
pissed when i heard those.
i won't side anyone.
hearing from a party alone might not helped to know everything.
but, from what i know about the clique.
i believed what i was told.
some words should never be mentioned.
or you will regret like hell.
tearing doesn't mean a thing.
you don't win when you cry.
reasons and logics do.
anyway. i'm not supposed to talk about it anymore.
so well. . .
C-O-N-T-R-O-L. . .
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
maybe that's how life is supposed to be??styms, you are on top of the world.
everything seems to be going your way.
whereas styms. .
nothing seems to be right, no matter how you try to make it right.
hmmm. . .
just be glad with what you're given.
live life as if you will never get a better one. i'm glad i went for the class chalet.
i know the clique better now.
it was fun but too bad i din get to meet everyone.
it's okiee cause we will still get to meet huh. =)
and, it's real nice to spend the night with you.
another memorable experience.
just for you and me.
Te amo.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Only if
Dramas really happen in my life.
dramas are dramas.
far from realistic.
but to me,
dramas are means to prove that
true love still exists in the world.
a scar will never heal.
tears will never flow back.
words mentioned can never be taken back.
styms, sorriees means nothing.
get off my back.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Death Note spins off: L change the world. this movie is nice. really. L is
simply awesome. the plot might be simple but nice parts along the way. i especially like the ending part where Near was brought to the home where kids are taught, just like L. i dunno how to describe la. i just think this show is worth watching, with the cast and all.
if we have to part that way, i'll rather we don't meet.
it's like a pain, without its painkillers, and it will never stop hurting.
i have to start all over again.stop mentioning that phrase again. i hate those words.
and i dunno how long more i can swallow those words as if they sounded nice.
no doubt, it's still a bliss to have you again.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
how nice today was.
your company was great. misses the time we shared.
growing up doesn't mean losing touch with anyone.watched jumper today. the show was alright. nice. i especially like the part when that baddie was left stranded at the
hill? cliff? whatever you called it la. and and, i liked the ge-fen-duo(gliffon)? if i din rmbed wrongly la. hahas. but the ending to his part wasn't up to expectation. how can he be left there, where electricity is present. how is he to teleport?? hmm. went to vivo city to shop after my tuition. well. i only bought a brush. hopefully it will help my hair grows faster la. while hy managed to get a zara top.
well. i wanna watch the following movies! ::
- PS I Love You
Jumper- Juno
- The Old Garden
- Kung Fu Dunk
CJ 7 - Ah Long Ptd Ltd
- Away From Her
- 27 Dresses
Death Note: L change the world- Becoming Jane
- The Leap Years
hmm. that's about all for the time being. and not forgetting. i wanna watch the dramas.
dou niu yao bu yao. which dear asked me not to watch first. coz he will get me the full episode.
also. . .
i wanna work. shop. exercise(gyms!).
only if money can drop from the sky.
only if i know how to teleport when i'm 5.
then dear will not have to work.
i can share my all the money i got with my dear, family and deariie frens. hohoho.
Oh Come On. . .
it's okiee to dream
only right?
how nice today was.
your company was great. misses the time we shared.
growing up doesn't mean losing touch with anyone.watched jumper today. the show was alright. nice. i especially like the part when that baddie was left stranded at the
hill? cliff? whatever you called it la. and and, i liked the ge-fen-duo(gliffon)? if i din rmbed wrongly la. hahas. but the ending to his part wasn't up to expectation. how can he be left there, where electricity is present. how is he to teleport?? hmm. went to vivo city to shop after my tuition. well. i only bought a brush. hopefully it will help my hair grows faster la. while hy managed to get a zara top.
well. i wanna watch the following movies! ::
- PS I Love You
Jumper- Juno
- The Old Garden
- Kung Fu Dunk
CJ 7 - Ah Long Ptd Ltd
- Away From Her
- 27 Dresses
- Death Note: L change the world
- Becoming Jane
hmm. that's about all for the time being. and not forgetting. i wanna watch the dramas.
dou niu yao bu yao. which dear asked me not to watch first. coz he will get me the full episode.
also. . .
i wanna work. shop. exercise(gyms!).
only if money can drop from the sky.
only if i know how to teleport when i'm 5.
then dear will not have to work.
i can share my all the money i got with my dear, family and deariie frens. hohoho.
it's okiee to dream la. xP
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
alright. since there's no way to turn back the clock, i shall find ways to make the mistake better.
i have researched from the internet and find out that vitamin E and proteins help hair grows much faster than normal.
and a normal person's hair will grow up to 1-inch each month. which is about 2.5cm.
so well.
maybe i should just earn more money and go for an extension.
coz it's omg.
really really really short.
deariies. next time when we meet for a meal. get me to eat more green vegs, tofu and soya bean.
hohoho. tomorrow's the last day! xP
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
i've made a mistake again.a mistake i once told myself never to make but made again.
what a failure.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
easily pampered doesn't mean easy-to-please.
easily pleased doesn't mean getting to be pampered. all in all. . .
it's just gonna take
two hands to clap.
two hearts to work things out.
one person to suffer more.
don't be envy of what others have. coz they might not have what you have eventually. nothing in the world is same for anyone.
good or bad.
best or worst.
. . .
What Jia Lu Means

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.
You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.
You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
today was the drawing paper.
it was ...
phew?!?! i managed to complete the drawings after numerous times of trying.
still, there are some mistakes here and there.
i have tried my best though. i won't regret the outcome
i hope!!!
dear after that.
we went to vivo for a walk. long enough to kill our legs though.
we watched cj7. it was real nice. i like that dog.
the best part of the show i thought was the acting of that kid, along with the dog.
hmmmm. .
it's been a while since i met dear and i missed him so much so that even when we've met, i am still thinking of him. and wondering why we only met today.
i realised how much i want him to hold me for ever.
basically, it's beyond words to describe that feeling.
i have been so terrible these few days.
i only felt that things have been going on unfairly for me.
i thought he only knows how to get through things with those words. .
i thought he will not remember what i've mentioned before.
but actually, that's not the way. he thinks. he plans. he shows, only to me.
i thought. i thought. i should have known. i'm sorriees..
for being so hostile towards you recently.
i'm not dao la. i jux don't know what you are thinking about and how i can react.
at least, there's something i'm sure of.
you are there, most of the time, to bear with my irritable attitude. tell me. show me.
whenever i have go over the limit.
i wann to work things out with you.
i love you.
Monday, February 11, 2008
人啊。 。 。
time to buck up.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
a lesson to learn.never be too greedy to remain at the peak forever. it's not gonna happen. perhaps one in a million.
so well. . . when you have enough, just let go and let the others take over. don't be overly stubborn until you lost everything then you will realise it's
too late. too late to regret. for
what's done cannot be undone.let today be a good lesson learnt and never do that again.
good days always passes in a blink. tomorrow, i will have to start. moving on the final lap now.
don't stop here darling.i miss so many people. after i'm done with the serious stuff, i will date all of them.
wait for me.=)
Monday, February 4, 2008
deariies for the shopping trip today.
it was splendid.
i had such a good time. and they din give up on me till the very last shop. hahas. i wanted a
red dress. and we searched the whole marina square but to no avail. so, we went on to city link for a walk. with no more hopes, maybe a little little bit left and no targets to reach.
I FINALLY MANAGED TO GET A RED DRESS!!!! wahahaha.. the feeling was shiok. though i have never thought i'll get that dress. but the shop person was so nice. she sew that dress immediately for me. coz it's too big at the back. x)
after which, we went to cartel for dinner. nice pics taken here and there. hahas. the pics are nice okiee.
these girls never fails to brighten my mood. i will always be able to enjoy myself with them. no need to fear. no need to get pissed. and we always share too. hahas. this implies you too yeah.
smiles and giggles. as if it's nobody's business. =)
Friday, February 1, 2008
your smile never fails to cheer me up.
a meet is more than anything i could ask. =)